Early Years Music: Using signs and symbols to support early communication during adult-led music sessions

Date and time
  • Wed 14 May 2025 | 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Price FREE
Venue Online
Booking link forms.office.com/e/TxxuSWE1x0

Join Communication  practitioner and regional Makaton tutor Susie Nowell-Kelley, and Strategic Lead for Early Years Music Charlotte Gibbs, to explore hello and goodbye songs , musical play games, songs around emotions, colours and animals as well as seasonal  songs. During this session you will learn and explore how to use,  up to 40 key word signs and symbols to support songs and musical play  that will promote the  development of children’s early expression and comprehension of language.

To reserve your place, please complete the following booking form. Please note that while this opportunity is being offered on a fully subsidised basis, we reserve the right to apply an administrative charge of £50 if you fail to attend having booked a place. If you book a place but are no longer able to make it, you must let us know in advance of the session.

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